What do you do to change your negative thoughts when you feel like a homeschool mom failure? Let's be real. We all do at times.
My hope is that today is not one of those days and that life and homeschool are going wonderfully But if not, you will want to keep reading.
This is the time of year when we have settled into the school routine, attitudes are a normal part of the school day. Some days are rough and nothing seems to go as planned. It’s not what we dreamed and hoped homeschooling would be.
Why? What am I doing wrong?
You are worn out. You wonder how you are going to make it to the end of the year. So many more responsibilities. Oh, how I remember those days. How difficult some of them were.
So before you start telling yourself you are a failure and everything that is going wrong is your fault......
Here are a few tips
Make sure you have had plenty of rest.
Before you go making any rash decision about changes to your homeschool, schedule or classes, make sure you have had plenty of rest. (Haha! I'm laughing because I remember the days when three or four hours straight was a good nights sleep. None of my babies slept well.)
You know the saying, Don't make any important decision when you are angry, tired or hungry.
When I don't get enough rest, my outlook on life is much more negative. We mamas are so hard on ourselves and lack of sleep plus added stress make our emotions questionable.
Find a friend. Companionship, friendship is a natural human desire and women want and need it most. When you feel like a failure it is common to also feel alone. That's the time to call on a friend. Vent. Cry. Express your feelings. A good friend will listen.
I know that what I need most during these times is a listening ear. I really don't need advice, I just need to know someone cares and hopefully understands. Another homeschool mom is great for these S.O S moments. If you do not have a friend that you feel you could go to during these times of needed reassurance and support, starting praying for one. Seek one out. It took me years, (ten to be exact) to find another homeschool mom that I could confide in and trust.
Don't wait for a friend to come to you. Be a friend. A good friendship takes time to cultivate. Pray and watch. He will answer your prayer in His time.
So when those days come.....
I want to remind you that YOU are the perfect parent/ teacher for you child. Even on the days that you don’t feel like it.
God knows everything about you and your children. He purposefully chose you to parent those children running around the house calling you mommy. You were created to be a family.
You are extremely valuable, essential, perfect for your family.
Is there anyone else in this world that loves your children more than you do? I doubt it. That is what makes you the best teacher for them. You want them to succeed! You want the very best for them and you will give your all to make sure that you do everything you need to do to give them all they need to impact the world with their live.
You are exactly what your children need. Take each day, one step at a time and give yourself some grace. God has already given it to you, so take it.
One Step at a Time
by Mary Evelyn McCurdy
Sometimes the mountains in our lives are small.
We see the top, we walk, and then we're there.
The path is easy, smooth, clear as can be,
And we can reach the top without a care.
The view is nice, and yet down in our souls,
We know that there are greater heights to scale.
Sometimes the mountains in our lives are big.
They loom before us high and steep and rough.
The pathway is as tangled as can be,
We're tired and the journey is so tough.
But there is One Who'll help us reach the top.
His strength will fill us up and be enough.
And even though the journey to the top
Was hard and though we thought that we would fall,
When we look out around us we can see
That it was positively worth it all.
For we can see the view much better now
That we have climbed a mountain that's so tall.
I can walk, skip, dance,
I can leap, hop, run,
Though the road may be a little rocky.
Though I may have to
Start out slow and sure,
I can reach the top,
One step at a time!
Parenting and homeschooling both are to be taken one step at a time. Making goals, planning ahead is good, but you will only get there by taking one step at a time. You can do it. I believe in you!
Enjoying the journey,